1. How do I book?
Simply use our form below

2. Why do you need my card details?
This is just to secure your booking - we don't charge your card when you book. All card details are taken securely through Stripe.

No-shows do have a huge impact on our team, so if you can't attend we do ask that you let us know. We may charge £5 per person if you don't attend without letting us know. You can amend and cancel your booking from your confirmation email at anytime. 

3. Do I have to book?
We do have space for walk-ins but it's best to book to avoid disappointment , especially if you are a bigger group or you want to come at the weekend. We will of course always try our best to fit you in!

4. I can't find my confirmation email?
Have a check in your Spam/Junk/Promotions folder - they sometimes end up there! If you reached the 'booking confirmation' page then your booking has been received.

5. I've made an enquiry about a booking but haven't received a reply?
If you wish to book for over 6 people then an enquiry will be sent to our GM to approve. We do our best to get back to you within 24 hours of receiving the enquiry. If you haven't heard back after that, please email gm@sataybar.co.uk to chase us up!

6. Can I book just for drinks?
Yes you can!

7. Are there any age restrictions at your restaurant?
Yes there are! Because of how busy we get, we don't allow under 21s on Fridays and Saturdays after 6pm. if you are blessed and look younger than your years, it's best to bring some photo ID with you!

8. Can I book outside?
Yes you can - just pop a note on your booking to request this.

9. How long do I get for my booking?
Monday -Thursday there will usually be no restriction on how long you can have the table, however on the weekends you will be able to have a table for 1.5 - 2hours depending on the size of your booking (bigger tables get longer).

10. Do you have a Happy Hour?
Yes we have three! 5-8pm every day of the week. Enjoy 2 cocktails for £12 (same drink served at the same time, fizzy cocktails excluded).

11. Do you have an allergens guide?
Yes, please see here
Satay Bar menu allergens.pdf